What Is A Life Coach and Who Needs One?
Hey, I’m Tracey. I’m a life coach who focuses specifically on your mindset- the POWER of your mind! And the story of the starfish. Do you know the story of the starfish? You're walking along the beach after a major storm and there are hundreds, HUNDREDS, of starfish washed up on shore. They’re going to die. They can’t get back into the ocean. And as you’re walking, you look and you see a lady coming up the beach towards you and she bends down and throws something back into the ocean. Bends down again and throws it into the ocean. A little bit further, bends down and throws it into the ocean. And as you get closer, you see that she’s bending down and picking up a starfish and throwing it into the ocean. And you get up to her and you go, “Lady, what are you thinking? There are hundreds of starfish out on the beach. You’re NEVER gonna make a difference!” She bends down and she picks up another starfish and she throws it in the ocean and...